Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Teenage Girls

Sometime last week I told my mother that we'd be picking up our flock over the weekend.  Being the truly accepting woman that she is, she responded with a joke about becoming a grandmother...  

Following my mother's logic, Matt and I became parents to four teenage girls over the weekend.  Nothing against teenage girls, I was once one myself, but I'm pretty damn glad that we're really just talking poultry. 

Our four sisters were hatched on June 25th, and won't be laying for another few weeks-- officially qualifying them as teenagers, or pullets in chicken terms.

Like any good parent, I think my ladies are just the cutest darn chickens I've ever seen.  And, like most teenagers, whenever I get too close they take off running.  

That said, the ladies seem to be cluing in to who refills their feed bowl and chases off cats.  I think they'll make it through their teenage months just fine.

Not unlike teenage girls, the ladies have separation anxiety (from each other), and play a constant game of follow the leader.  However, flocking is definitely a more endearing phenomenon in poultry than humans.  

Plus, unlike every teenager ever, our flock seems happiest whilst pecking for worms in the bushes. Human teenagers seem to prefer smoking cigarettes and guzzling energy drinks in the dilapidated structure behind our house, but I digress...

All silly comparisons aside, I'm really quite thrilled to have some barnyard animals. The ladies are a good place to start growing our family, and should bring lots of joy and tasty eggs.

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